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Written by Directia Relatii Externe
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- SfP: 983287 Landslide Risk Assessment in the Republic of Moldova (eng) - http://www.natosfp983287.asoc.ro
- Sfp 981186 Clean-up of Chemicals in Moldova (eng) - http://www.chemicals.md
- CLG 982852 Mitigation of water stress in agricultural soils by bio-indicators (rom), order (eng) ?i (foto)
- CLG 980441 Impact of Bacterial Exopolysaccharides on Environmental Security (rom), ed (eng) ?i (foto)
- SfP: 980468 Harmonization of the seismic hazards and decreasing the risk in the countries under the influences of Vrancea earthquakes (eng)
- CLG 981619 Quantification of Earthquake Action on Structures
- CLG 980670 Chemical composition and electronic structure of In2O3 films surface: interrelation with gas response
- CLG 979245 Complimentarily of the Photo-and Biodegradation Processes for Pollutants Removal from the Aquatic Compartments
- NIG960520 - Academy of Science of Moldova Networking Project (AMNET), (1996-1997).
- NIG972759 - AMNET-Development of the Sciences and Educational Network in Moldova, (1998-1999).
- NIG975476 - The Informational Corporate Network of the “Politehnica” Community, (1998-2000).
- NIG977228 - RENAM Network-Second Stage, (2000-2003).
- NIG978385 - RENAM-RoEduNet networks direct link and gateway construction, (2001-2003).
- NIG979922 - Providing satellite Internet Access for RENAM Network Academic Community, (2003-2004).
- NIG980321 - RENAM 5Ghz – band wireless Network Construction, (2004-2005).
- NIG982338 - Creation of Infrastructure for CERTs in Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine and their Initial Operation, (2006-2008).
- NIG982517 - Silk NetAcad Alliance, (2006-2008)
- NIG982702 - New RENAM-RoEduNet gateway based on CWDM technologies implementation, (2009 - 2010).