The Union Académique Internationale (IUA) (International Union of Academies) was founded on the initiative of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres in 1919. At a meeting held in Paris in May 1919 the draft statutes were prepared. They were later revised and adopted at a second meeting held again in Paris from 15 to 28 May 1920 in Brussels where Henri Pirenne was elected the first President and the administrative seat of the Union established at the Académie royale des sciences, viagra order des lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique at Brussels, of which the Permanent Secretary is the ex officio Administrative Secretary of the IUA.
The aims of the IUA were defined in the Statutes in October 1919 as follows:
The aim of this agreement is to encourage cooperation in the advancement of studies through collaborative research and publications in those branches of learning promoted by the Academies and institutions represented in the IUA - philology, archeology, history, the moral, political and social sciences.
Accordingly, the UAI represents a federation of Academies or groups of Academies having a national character and national learned institutions comparable with them, creatod for international cooperation. The striving for common thinking and collective research of the great problems of nature and mankind is as early as the Academy-viz. Plato's Academy-itself. In the dialogues of Plato it is always a group of thinking men, the pupils of Socrates or his adversaries, who attempt to solve an important question by common efforts in often heated discussions. Not even is the international character missing from Plato's Academy: among his pupils, Persians are also mentioned. Then, common research work was developing further in the School of Aristotle. Thus, the UAI follows an ancient, noble tradition of collective research work which appeared first in Plato's Academy. From 15 in 1920, the number of the member countries of the UAI has now risen to 39.