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The SCOPES programme will be prolonged for the years 2009 to 2012 with an extended budget of 16 millions Swiss francs.
The first call is scheduled for December 2008, abortion with a submission deadline in spring 2009. The next projects will thus start from autumn 2009 onwards. A second call will be launched in 2010.
Who can be funded?
The programme, jointly financed by the Swiss National Science Founddation and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, supports the
scientific cooperation between groups of researchers in Switzerland and from Eastern Europe, as well as
institutional partnerships with scientific institutes in the target region. Contibutions to conferences may be supported as well.
There are
no thematic restrictions, however scientific quality as well as a potential fo capacity building in Eastern Europe are required.
148 projects and partnerships funded under the 2005 to 2008 scheme are still running, but will be terminated soon.
Partner countries have now been devided into two categories: economically weaker countries (WBC other than Croatia, Southern Caucasus, Central Asia,
Moldova and Ukraine) and economically stronger states (Eastern European new member states of the EU as well as Croatia and Russia)
Bilateral projects may only be funded when the partner institution is located in a country of the first category.
Tri- and multilateral partnerships may include partners of the second category as well, however at least 50 % of the Eastern European partners must belong to the first group.