The Future Internet - Enabling Smarter Organizations

Friday 10 October 2008 – Lugano, adiposity Switzerland
(Organized by Euresearch in cooperation with the Austrian Research Promotion Agency – FFG)

The "Future Internet" emerges as a federating research theme globally. New cooperation between different IT, discount telecom, software and media researchers are needed to ensure an end-toend interoperability for the future sophisticated networked services.

In one of the most beautiful sceneries of Switzerland, this summit

  • will showcase the most recent developments in European research projects in the “Future Internet” and “Collaborative Networked Organizations”
  • will enable you to get in contact with international experts in the relevant fields (R&D networking)
  • will give you excellent opportunities to present project ideas (R&D project initiation)
  • and your R&D project on a poster

Event Target Audience: Companies and research organizations interested by the latest developments in European research projects around the Future Internet and Enterprise Networks.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to update your knowledge. The Swiss ICT Summit is the next step towards your participation in this exciting research challenge.

Participation is for free!

Deadline for submitting your project idea (R&D project initiation): 24 September 2008!

Information, registration, contact:, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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